Student Digital Submission

E-Submission for visually based courses
Design is a visual based subject of multiple formats in high volume in both physical and digital media that delivers challenges to both staff and students managing the work. New students do not possess the required skills set and organisational qualities needed to produce, convert, manage, and publish their work digitally to degree and professional standards. This causes difficulties for students displaying and sharing their work to external audiences such as employers and clients. Also staff have difficulty trying to download, open, assess, and manage often hundreds of files per module from Blackboard. Students have been digital for many years but why do we still struggle to capture their work? It is this the project sets out to challenge.

The project has been exploring the hypothesis that ‘delivering the ability to students of generating, processing and managing their digital work can benefit both staff and students in multiple ways’

Over the past two years the project has been developing a system that guides the students to produce well managed digital data and has begun to capture the systems success. The project looks to expand the pilot further to other courses and schools within the University. It then hopes to generate more results and also gauge student’s opinion of the process.